I've got so many things to say
But my words remain unspoken Every thought comes and go
And all that is left is silence
I wish I could talk
So you would understand
I wish you could listen
To those whispers of treason
My heart feels heavy and my soul is trapped
In a viscious circle where everything is dark
You got to understand that we all have our reasons
Our deepest mistakes come from our own decisions
After all we're humans there is no perfection
And it's easy to feel what we call deception
You look for something you will probably never find
And leave all those beautiful things behind
Believe it or not the best is the unexpected
It all has a price don't take it for granted
It's not all black nor white
For what you love you must fight
You people are full of shit
We all have issues and problems to solve
It's hard to fix them when no one is involved
To run away is like to sell your soul
You fucking coward won't achieve your goals