Май литл пони френдс
Hey, hey, we may seem different as night and day
But Equestria Girls see things a different way
Just look a little deeper and you will see
You know I'm just like you and you're just like me
We're Equestria Girls and we're here to shout
That the magic of friendship is what it's all about
We're Equestria Girls standing side by side
Finding the magic of friendship deep inside
Equestria Girls Yeah
Twilight Sparkle's a princess who shines
Fluttershy's so sweet and kind
Applejack has a country flair
Rarity knows just what to wear
Everyone wants Rainbow Dash on their side
No one's more fun than Pinkie Pie
Generous, honesty
Laughter, kindness, loyalty
Free to be what we will be
Living life in harmony
We're Equestria Girls and we're here to shout
That the magic of friendship is what it's all about
We're Equestria Girls and we're here to say
We're gonna see things a different way
Equestria Girls