Мне приснилось, что я проснулся посреди ночи и записал текст своей новой песни на доске объявлений NME. Но доски больше нет.
Поэтому я просто напишу его здесь -
* примечание
это песня о группе похитителей драгоценностей
Все хорошо,
В таком случае, все идет ужасно неправильно.
You twist my arm
Im twisting fate
Youll leave alone, or crazy great
Or break into a million pieces, all your reasons
Lets live alone
And out of state
Lets make up everything and wake up breathing
Dont give a damn about the wreck you leave in
You can use my friends, but that depends-
On what they're for
And while were laying on the floor
My mouth is sore
Im keeping score
A million reasons but I need a million more
You believe in love
I believe in faith
Theyll believe in anything, you make up villains
A trillion legions of the damned and William,
It was really me
It was really you
There was really nothing I could do
Until then,
Lets use our magic powers with the children
You dont understand, we dont hold hands
Come catch me, run
Cuz Im not having any fun
I think youre sore
I think Im done
A million reasons
Can I be your number one?
Yeah. Yeah.